
Iata care sunt materialele ce pot ajuta specialistii stomatologi sa redea zambetul luminos si increderea pacientilor sai. 

Matrice Lista

Items 1-36 of 44

Aranjează descendent
  1. Bijuterii dentare Skyce Crystal Refill, 1.8 mm, Ivoclar
  2. Cutii transport gutiere, 20 buc., Ultradent
  3. Folii gutiera bruxism Sof-Tray Sheets, 2 mm, Ultradent
  4. Folii gutiera, 12 buc., Ivoclar
  5. Folii gutiera, 125 mm - 0.5 mm, 25 buc., Leone
  6. Folii gutiera, 125 mm - 0.8 mm, 25 buc., Leone
  7. Folii gutiera, 125 mm - 1 mm, 25 buc., Leone
  8. Folii gutiera, 125 mm - 1.5 mm, 15 buc., Leone
  9. Folii gutiera, 125 mm - 2.0 mm, 10 buc., Leone
  10. Folii gutiere Sof-Tray Sheets, 0.9 mm, Ultradent
  11. Gel albire dinti Opalescence PF 16% Mini Kit Melon, Ultradent
  12. Gel albire dinti Opalescence PF 16% Mini Kit Mint, Ultradent
  13. Gel albire dinti Opalescence PF 16% Patient Kit Melon, Ultradent
  14. Gel albire Opalescence Boost Kit PF 40%, 2 x 1.2 ml, Ultradent
  15. Gel albire Opalescence Endo Kit 35%, Ultradent
  16. Gel albire Opalescence PF 16% Patient Kit Mint, Ultradent
  17. Gel albire Opalescence PF 16% Patient Kit Regular, Ultradent
  18. Gel albire Perfect Bleach Office+ Set, Voco
  19. Gel albire Perfect Bleach Office, seringa 4 ml, Voco
  20. Gel fotopolimerizabil Block Out Gel Lc, set, Voco
  21. Gel Opalescence Boost 40%, Ultradent
  22. Opalescence Go Patient Mini-Kit Melon 6%, Ultradent
  23. Opalescence PF 16% Mini Kit Melon Ultradent 4 seringi
  24. Rasina fotopolimerizabila Lc Block Out Resin Econo Refill, Ultradent
  25. Rasina fotopolimerizabila LC Block-Out Resin Kit, Ultradent
  26. Rasina fotopolimerizabila OpalDam, 1.2 ml, Ultradent
  27. Sistem albire Opalescence GO Patient Kit Melon 6% Ultradent
  28. Sistem albire Opalescence Go Patient Kit Mint 6%, Ultradent
  29. Sistem albire Opalescence Go Patient Mini-Kit Mint 6%, Ultradent
  30. Sistem albire Opalescence PF 10% Doctor Kit Melon, Ultradent
  31. Sistem albire Opalescence PF 10% Doctor Kit Mint, Ultradent
  32. Sistem albire Opalescence PF 10% Doctor Kit Regular, Ultradent
  33. Sistem albire Opalescence PF 10% Mini-Kit Melon, Ultradent
  34. Sistem albire Opalescence PF 10% Mini-Kit Mint, Ultradent
  35. Sistem albire Opalescence PF 10% Mini-Kit Regular, Ultradent
  36. Sistem albire Opalescence PF 10% Patient Kit Mint, Ultradent
Matrice Lista

Items 1-36 of 44

Aranjează descendent